April 17-19, 2023 — Folsom, CA
Modeling and the Continuum Between Research and Application
Presented by: Rusty Holleman (UC Davis, RMA)
Supporting Authors: David Senn (SFEI), Lawrence Sim (SFEI), Allie King (SFEI), Pradeep Mugunthan (SFEI), Farid Karimpour (SFEI), Brian Bergamaschi (USGS), Tamara Kraus (USGS), Raphe Kudela (UCSC)
If You Could See Me Now: Implementation of the Central Valley Project Water Temperature Modeling Platform
Presented by: Tom Evans (RMA)
Supporting Authors: John DeGeorge (RMA)
Estimating Biogeochemical Rates by a Novel Tracer Approach
Presented by: Edward Gross (UC Davis, RMA)
Hatching distribution, abundance, and losses to freshwater diversions of longfin smelt inferred using hydrodynamic and particle-tracking models
Presented by: Edward Gross (UC Davis, RMA)
Conference website: 2023 CWEMF Annual Meeting