Caleb DeChant joined RMA in 2014, bringing experience in the application of hydrologic models and development of probabilistic hydrologic forecast systems. This experience includes the application of Data Assimilation techniques to hydrologic models and Remotely Sensed data to improve snow and streamflow simulations, and the development of multi-modeling techniques to enhance streamflow forecasts. Since arriving at RMA, Caleb has focused on the development of HEC models and decision support systems. He has aided in expanding HEC-ResSim Monte Carlo simulation framework, adding a variety of enhancements to random variable sampling. In addition, he has worked to add and improve several features in the USACE Report Generation Interface (REGI), including reservoir decision support components and flow calculation from reservoir outlet structures. Caleb earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Portland, and master’s and doctorate degrees in civil engineering from Portland State University.